Friday, March 16, 2012

We are a ridiculous people…

Why do we tear down those who dedicate themselves to building us up?

We did it to Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and even Jesus Christ.

Why do we do this? It’s ridiculous.

Notice I say “we” as we are ALL capable of this and we all do it at times. We need to drive this side of our nature into a small corner and amplify the side that sees what’s right, good and positive about people, circumstances and causes.

There is an old Cherokee tale tells of a grandfather teaching life principles to his grandson. The wise old Cherokee said, son, on the inside of every person the battle is raging between two wolves. One wolf is evil. It’s angry, jealous, unforgiving, proud, and lazy. The other wolf is good. It is filled with love, kindness, humility, and encouragement. These two wolves are constantly fighting the grandfather said. The little boy thought about it and said grandfather, which wolf is going to win? The grandfather smiled and said which one ever you feed.

Sure there is always fault to find. No one or no thing is perfect. If you look for it you can find faulty brush strokes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Instead you should step back and take in the majesty of the entire ceiling. Look for, be inspired by and support the beauty in the totality of the movement.

Also know that as YOU ascend the ladder of success the bad wolves will come barking. Understand that it is just their jealous, angry and envious nature yapping. See them through the eyes of your good wolf. Be empathetic and forgive them for they know not what they do. Too much nourishment has been given to the wrong wolf for far too long.

I ask you, members of the TeamBlitz Community, to sweep your own front porch first as an example to the rest of the world. Celebrate people’s successes. Amplify the good side of your nature. Put your attention and spotlight on what’s positive and good about people and circumstances around you—particularly if those people have dedicated themselves to doing good things for others.

As an entire species we need to nourish the good wolf side of our nature and starve the jealous, angry and envious wolf that battles inside us.

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