Tuesday, June 26, 2012

5 Traits of Personal Mastery (2 of 2) by Darren Hardy

We are talking about personal mastery and what the best in the world do to achieve their extraordinary levels of success.

If you missed the first post with traits ONE and TWO go here: Part 1

They are super particular about how they spend their time.

Because they are so passionate about what they do and their pursuit for excellence, they guard their time and attention to anything else vigorously. You too should have such vigilance.

Learn more in The Overachiever vs. Superachiever series: Installment #1, #2, #3, #4


Those who end up achieving a level of personal mastery are willing to fail fast, fail often and continue to persevere.

This is an interesting attribute and one you might find difficult to get your emotional arms around. It seems that those who achieve mastery, which is really the opposite of failure, would be failure-averse, but it is quite the opposite.

In fact, many of these great masters thrive on failure. Since they are obsessed with improvement they know they can only experience growth through failure. They want to continually find their boundaries. That is how they understand their capabilities and find ways of breaking through.

Success is actually not that satisfying or exhilarating to them; it is the failure, thus the opportunity to tweak, iterate, improve and therefore get to the next level, which is thrilling to them.

Look at all those you admire; Branson, Trump, even Jobs has produced some duds. Google is constantly putting things out into the marketplace that flop. It’s how they find their winners and how they improve with great speed on those ideas they care about.

How about you? How much failure are you pushing yourself toward every day?

Obtaining mastery can only be achieved through a perpetual gantlet of failures. Do as Thomas Watson of IBM said: “If you want to speed up your success, double your rate of failure.” Start today.
Learn more in the Knocked on Your Tush series: Installment #1, #2, #3, #4

Those who achieve a level of world-class excellence do it by having a world-class support team.
These are world-class advisors, consultants, coaches, mentors and other high-achieving peers. No Olympic champion, superstar athlete, market-disruptive game-changing CEO, or rock star entertainer ever gets to the top of their game without building a rock star support team.

Let me put it simply: The best in the world, if they are truly the best in the world, have all gotten there because they have the best-in-the-world coaches, mentors and advisors.

What level of achievement do you want to reach?
Do you want to be average?
You can do that on your own, no support team needed.

Do you want to be good? You will need a good support team.
Do you want to be great? You will need a great team.

Do you want to be excellent, world-class and become the best in your industry?
You will need an excellent, world-class and the best-of-breed support team to get you there.
I can’t put it any more plainly than that.

Does all this sound difficult? It is.
Why do you think so few people ever reach a level of mastery?
Why do you think it is so difficult to find a person, company, brand, product, service or organization that operates at a level of excellence?
It’s because it’s hard. But if you are willing to work hard, there’s very little competition.

I’ll leave you with a quote from one of the great masters in history, Michelangelo. He said, “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.”

Mastery is not talent, chance or luck: it’s hard work, but it’s worth it, because mastery is magnificent!

TeamBlitz would love to hear your thoughts on your plans for achieving mastery in your industry. Share your comments below. Like and share the article with others.

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