Wednesday, September 19, 2012

5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Confidence And Credibility

Read this Brilliant Question:
A problem I face is: A feeling that prospects do not perceive me as credible or believable.Perhaps it’s only my “reading” of their thoughts, but it’s the feeling I get from their reaction or response.
Maybe that question relates to you. I’m going to answer this in two parts.
  1. Doubting yourself
  2. How to increase your credibility

Doubting Yourself

Throughout my life I have had many feelings similar to this one. Looking back, I’m not sure if the person I was talking with really gave that “feeling” to me or if I was the one who gave it to myself because I didn’t feel like I had enough credibility to be talking to this person. Think about that for a few seconds…or a few minutes!
How can someone reach inside your head and make you feel [anything]?
I don’t think there’s a “no credibility” switch inside your head or mine that a person can reach in and flip.
What I’m trying to do is help you to see that this question mostly has to do with how you view yourself. Or how you allow others to influence the way you view yourself.
If you think about it, no one can MAKE you feel mad or angry or guilty or not credible – YOU are the only one who can accomplish that; even if someone says it to you.
Let’s suppose you’re a female and someone says to you, “You are a guy.” You would just look at them strangely and continue what you’re doing. You KNOW you’re not a guy. But if someone says something to you that you have already thought of – then you’re more likely to “allow” them to influence the way you see yourself. Like, “You’ve put on some weight.” But in reality, the two comments don’t have to affect you differently.

Is It in Your Thoughts?

Here’s the way it worked for my mentor and how he solved it. He used to have this thought that because he didn’t get a college degree, he wasn’t credible and that no one would listen to him (Have you ever had that thought?). That wasn’t true – it was just in his thoughts. At a social gathering, he would meet someone and they would ask, “Where did you go to school?” He would reply, “Hixson High School.” They would then say, “No, what college?” He would reply, “I didn’t go to college.” To that they would say, “Oh.”
He would walk away feeling like he had no credibility with them. And, perhaps he didn’t. But the real damage was when he didn’t talk to people simply because he thought he didn’t have the right to talk to someone because he didn’t go to college! That’s enormous damage.

Working It Out in Your Head

Here’s how he worked it out in his head – Now, what’s the “truth?” Is there anyone who has ever been successful in life that didn’t go to college? YES!
People go to college so they can be more knowledgeable on a subject so they can get better results. So, it’s results that matter. But he used to think [incorrectly] that college equaled better results. Perhaps if he was trying to be successful as a doctor it would matter, but in network marketing it did not.
So, he just dumped the idea that he needed a college degree to be successful because just having that thought would actually STOP HIM FROM BEING SUCCESSFUL!
Talk about irony!

How to Increase Your Credibility

He knew the ONLY way he was going to gain the respect of others (college graduates or not) was to get results. So number one, he had to not stop himself no matter what anyone said to him or what he said to himself. He had to just keep on until he got results.
Here’s what he did and what you should do if you want to increase your credibility:
  • Talk with people – no one can be successful without this step.
  • Help people and allow others to help you.
    • When someone helps you, give back something of equal or greater value. When you help someone, allow them to help you back.
  • Be trustworthy.
  • Do what you say you will do.
  • Increase your knowledge. 
    • The more knowledge you have in the area you are advising or suggesting about, the more influence you will have. So know network marketing. Know our service. Know our company, Ambit Energy.
  • Increase your results (doing the above will accomplish this)
    • The more results you’ve gotten in the area you are discussing or attempting to attract another into, the more influence you will have. This is not a requirement obviously because everyone in Ambit Energy starts with zero results.

The Bottom Line

If you sense someone isn’t giving you any credibility, move on and do not allow them to weaken your view of yourself. If your prospect needs credibility in order to listen to you, then you can contact them after you’ve gotten results.
A person who is unable to evaluate a business has to judge the business based on their perception of the credibility of the person presenting it. Those who can not evaluate a business based on its merits will work for those who can or miss out on a lot of money....PERIOD!!!
Next Steps: Instantly access our training here on this site, on Facebook, our Conference Calls, local training at the Ambit North Houston Training Center and the Clear Lake Training Center, PowerTrip, Ambit Simulcast, Ambition and to learn how you can be an elite Ambit Consultant.

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